Lori, John, Wyatt & Doggos on Mount Jo
Back in 2016, I met a couple photographers from the Rochester area, Lori and her business partner Erin, at a photography conference in New England. It’s amazing to me how brief encounters such as this can magically transform in to standing on an Adirondack mountain top photographing a stunning and sweet wedding vow renewal years later. If there’s one thing I love about social media, it’s the way it keeps people connected. Facebook is still good for something these days! Lori and I could have easily crossed paths, never to hear from one another again. I’m so grateful that in this case, Lori and I linked up on social media. She saw my love of the ADK through my posts and thought I would be just the photographer for a special occasion such as this, and I’m so glad!
The original plan was to celebrate 10 years of Lori and John’s marriage back in May. They were planning small party in the Adirondack mountains that included a collection of their nearest and dearest. As you can imagine, plans changed as they do in 2020. Lori, John, their sweet 8 month old son Wyatt and two dogs decided to rent an Air BNB for a little retreat for themselves and find a quiet mountain top for their vow renewal instead. My job was simply to create a photo-journalistic collection of pictures of their family hiking together and the wedding vow exchange. Dream job!
We picked Mount Jo for our Adirondack mountain hike/wedding vow renewal primarily because the summit has gorgeous views of Heart Lake and the Adirondack High Peak Region, but doesn’t require a super strenuous or lengthy climb. Since we were traveling with a baby and two pups, this was important! Mount Jo is a great hike for climbers new to the ADK and for families as well!
Mount Jo, here we come!

We chose the shorter, steeper way up and the longer, less steep route down, if anyone was curious. (:

After signing in at the trailhead, off we went, scrambling up some classic Adirondack rocky terrain.

Wardrobe change!

These photos of Lori breast feeding Wyatt are just all time beauties. What a scene! And can we talk about the adorable hiking boots and dress combo? My kinda lady.

Time for the wedding vow renewal exchange with the beautiful Adirondack Mountains standing tall in the background!

Back down we go!

Big thanks to Lori and John for inviting me along on this special mountain climb! So glad I could be part of this Adirondack wedding vow renewal in one of my all time favorite places. What a treat!
If you or someone you know is thinking about renewing their vows, or just looking for a fun family photo shoot like this, please have them contact me!